
向側の座席から娘が立って来て、島村の前のガラス窓を落とした。雪の冷気が流れこんだ。 娘は窓いっぱいに乗り出して、遠くへ叫ぶように、「駅長さあん、駅長さあん。」

The train came out of the long tunnel into the snow country. The earth lay white under the night sky. The train pulled up at a signal stop.
A girl who had been sitting on the other side of the car came over and opened the window in front of Shimamura. The snowy cold poured in. Leaning far out the window, the girl called to the station master as though he were a great distance away.
The station master walked slowly over the snow, a lantern in his hand. His face was buried to the nose in a muffler, and the flaps of his cap were turned down over his face.


  1. テスト2

  2. テスト投稿